
Respite Care

Ruby – My Mom

Respite care offers temporary relief to primary caregivers, allowing them time to rest and attend to their own needs. It can be provided for a few hours, days, or longer, ensuring the person being cared for continues to receive their necessary care in a safe environment. This type of care can be arranged for at home, in a healthcare facility, or at a respite care center.

A few months after my father’s death, while my mom was living with me, I had an urgent business trip come up. Unfortunately, neither my boss nor my peers could attend the meeting in my place. 

As we were walking into a meeting, my boss suggested I call 211 to see if there was a local non-profit that could help with respite care. I had never heard of 211. At first, I thought she meant 411 for directory assistance. However, as I was walking to my meeting, I dialed 211, someone with the name Jacob picked up the phone. I told Jacob, “I am running into a meeting, but I wanted to know if there are any local companies that can provide respite care for my mom while I am on a business trip.” 

Jacob responded in a very kind and calm voice, “Since you are in a rush, if you give me your email address, I will send you a list in a few minutes.” A few minutes later as I was sitting in the meeting, I saw an email magically appear in my inbox with a list of providers, along with their contact information and their description.

I called the first one on the list: Southern Caregiver Resource Center (SCRC) and shared with them my situation. I was amazed when the lady told me she could help me. “Let me schedule a time for a caseworker to meet you and your mom,” she told me sweetly. I was concerned about cost and worried the service would be unaffordable. 

“What will the cost be for a week?” I asked her. 

“No cost to you. SCRC funds respite services to relieve caregivers of the stresses of constant care. Respite is designed to provide care to a loved one for a brief period of time so the caregiver can address any other challenges they may be facing, including time to just rest. We have contracts with select professional agencies to provide this service at your home.” I couldn’t believe there really was such a service free of charge to me. 

A couple of months later, I was able to travel with a lot less worries on my plate. Knowing my mother was in capable hands allowed me to concentrate on my work. It served as a stark reminder of the fine line between our personal and professional lives and underscored the importance of seeking help when necessary.

Upon my return, I found my mother content and well-cared for, a testament to the invaluable service provided by SCRC. The brief separation, though initially laden with guilt and apprehension, turned out to be a rejuvenating break for both of us.

The respite care experience taught me the power of community resources and the strength that comes from reaching out. My gratitude towards SCRC and the kindness of those strangers who had become part of our story was boundless. As I tucked my mother into bed that night, I felt a renewed sense of hope and a deeper connection to the world around us, reassured in the knowledge that we were not alone on this journey.

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Overwhelmed Caregiver Finds Relief

Michael’s Story

Michael was used to juggling a lot. As an interior designer, his workdays were packed with client meetings, site visits, and design consultations. On top of that, he cared for his aging mother, checked on her during his breaks, and managed his children’s school pick-ups while his wife worked long hours at a medical facility.

One particularly stressful morning, as Michael was making breakfast, his phone buzzed. It was the school nurse. “Mr. Johnson, your youngest daughter has a fever and needs to be picked up.”

Michael sighed, glancing at his packed schedule. “I’ll be right there.”

He picked up his daughter, Lily, who looked miserable. “Daddy, I don’t feel good.”

“I know, sweetheart. Let’s get you home,” Michael said, carrying her to the car.

At home, he got Lily settled and rushed to check on his mom. “Hi, Mom. How are you feeling today?”

His mother smiled weakly. “I’m alright, Michael. How’s Lily?”

“She’s sick. I’m trying to manage everything, but it’s tough.”

Later that day, as Michael was preparing for a critical presentation, his phone rang again. It was his wife, Nora. “Michael, I’m stuck at the hospital. Can you pick up the kids from school?”

Michael checked the time and sighed. “I’ll manage. Just finish your shift.”

As he rushed to pick up the kids, his phone buzzed again. It was his mom’s neighbor. “Michael, your mom fell. She’s okay, but I think you should come over.”

His heart raced. “I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

After picking up the kids, he drove straight to his mom’s house. She was on the couch, looking shaken. “Mom, are you okay?”

“I’m fine, just a bit of a scare,” she said, trying to reassure him.

That night, after the kids were in bed, Michael sat down with Nora. “I can’t keep doing this, Nora. It’s too much.”

Nora nodded. “I know. Have you thought more about respite care?”

Michael frowned. “I don’t know. It feels like I’m giving up.”

“You’re not giving up. You’re getting help. There’s a huge difference.”

The next day, Michael approached his mom. “Mom, Nora suggested we look into respite care for you while Lily is sick. It would just be temporary until things settle down.”

His mom nodded thoughtfully. “I’ve been thinking about it too, Michael. I know you’re stressed and have a lot on your plate. I’m willing to give it a try.”

Michael called a respite care agency. “Hi, I need help caring for my mom temporarily. I want to know more about my options.”

The representative was kind and helpful. “Of course. We can have someone come to your home for a consultation.”

After the consultation, arrangements for a part-time caregiver were made. Michael felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders. “Thank you, Mom, for understanding.”

His mom smiled. “I just want you to be okay.”

With respite care in place, Michael could focus on Lily, who had started to recover. His mom was well-cared for, and he felt a sense of relief for the first time in months.

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Balancing Care and Studies

Amy and Renee’s Story

Balancing Care and Studies

Amy loved her aunt Renee. Growing up, Renee had been the lively one, hosting parties and taking Amy on adventures. But after battling leukemia, Renee’s energy was never the same.

“Amy, I think I’ll skip the book club tonight,” Renee said, sitting down with a sigh. “I’m just too tired.”

Amy looked at her aunt with concern. “Are you feeling okay, Aunt Renee?”

Renee smiled weakly. “Just the usual, dear. Nothing to worry about.”

Amy, a university student, balanced her studies, an internship, and caring for her aunt. “I wish you didn’t have to do all this, Amy,” Renee often said.

“It’s okay, Aunt Renee. I love being here with you,” Amy would reply, though the stress was evident.

One day, after a particularly hectic week, Amy confided in her friend Amber. “I’m exhausted. Between school, my internship, and taking care of Aunt Renee, I don’t know how much longer I can keep this up.”

Amber nodded sympathetically. “Have you heard of respite care? It’s a service that can help take care of your aunt while you focus on other things.”

Amy’s eyes widened. “Respite care? Tell me more.”

Amber explained, “It’s temporary care for your aunt, so you can get a break. Look into it. It could really help.”

That evening, Amy discussed it with Renee. “Aunt Renee, I heard about this service called respite care. It could help us both.”

Renee was thoughtful. “I don’t want to be a burden, Amy.”

“You’re not a burden. I just think it could help me manage everything better.”

Renee nodded. “Alright, let’s try it.”

Amy contacted a respite care agency. “Hi, I need some assistance caring for my aunt. Can you help?”

The agency was quick to respond. After a consultation, a caregiver was arranged. Amy felt a wave of relief. “Thank you, Aunt Renee, for being open to this.”

Renee smiled. “I want what’s best for you too, Amy.”

With respite care in place, Amy could focus on her studies and internship without constant worry. She still spent quality time with Renee, but the extra support made all the difference.

One evening, as they relaxed together, Renee said, “I’m glad we did this. I feel better knowing you’re not so stressed.”

Amy hugged her aunt. “I’m so grateful for you, Aunt Renee. This has really helped us both.”

Their bond grew stronger, and the stress that had once been overwhelming was now manageable, thanks to the support of respite care.

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