
Gift Of Feeling Good

Mariya – Lisa’s Aunt

Enhancing the appearance of those in life’s final stages, including dementia sufferers, can uplift their spirits. Feeling presentable boosts self-esteem, offering comfort and dignity amidst health challenges.

Lisa visited her Aunty Mariya for her eighty-fifth birthday. The whole family knew by then that Aunt Mariya had at most two more months to live. 

Her mother said they should give her a makeover. “I have been thinking long and hard, how we can make the day special for Aunt Mariya. I think we should take her to a salon, get her a perm like she used to have when she was in her thirties. We should also get her a new outfit that is deep blue, since that is her favorite color. Then you can take some good portrait pictures of her. I think she would love that.” 

This plan sounded fun and doable for Lisa to accomplish during her two-day visit. 

Lisa asked her mom, “Do you know what salon around here still does perms and can work with someone in Aunt Mariya’s condition?” 

“Don’t all salons do that?” Lisa’s mom answered.

Lisa started calling the salons in the area to see where she could take her aunt. She found that very few salons did perms, and for the ones that did, they did not have an opening for the time Aunt Mariya was likely to be awake. Finally, she found one that had an opening, but they were very reluctant about their ability to work with someone in Aunt Mariya’s mental and physical condition. 

“To be very honest, I think you are better off taking your aunt to the salon in the Brookdale senior living community, it’s called PS LifeStyle. They are better equipped with facilities and staff for someone in your aunt’s condition.” the salon owner said. 

“I would have never thought to look there, but it makes perfect sense,” Lisa responded.

When Lisa called the PS Lifestyle salon and shared with the manager, “This will be my aunt’s last visit to a salon,” the manager responded that she would make this happen. 

After a quick hold, she came back on the phone and said, “We can do this, we will keep the salon open for you past our closing time. Do you also want to book an appointment for your mom for a haircut? We can also do a manicure and pedicure for all three of you if you like.” 

We got Aunt Mariya in the car and went for a spa day immediately after the call. The stylist stations were so well-equipped to handle my aunt’s wheelchair, and the staff was so much at ease with talking to both Aunt Mariya and mom. As we were leaving the staff gave us all warm hugs. 

It was amazing to see such joy on two sisters’ faces as they looked at each other with deep affection and admiration saying, “You look so beautiful, you remind me of mom.” Arguing over who looked more beautiful and who looked more like their mom was their last sisterly fight.

Lisa’s mom told Lisa at Aunt Mariya’s funeral, “Honey, the spa day picture you took is what I am keeping in my mind to get through this ceremony.”

Aunt Mariya’s transformation was more than physical. The joy and rejuvenation in her eyes were undeniable, a stark contrast to the weariness that had become her constant companion. This day, born of love and realized with thoughtful care, transcended the ordinary. It was a celebration of Aunt Mariya’s life, a cherished memory created in the shadow of goodbye.

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The Final Fishing Trip

Vincent and Elliot’s Story

The Final Fishing Trip

Every year, Vincent and his Uncle Elliot returned to the same serene lake where Elliot had taught Vincent to fish. It was their special bonding time, a day filled with laughter, stories, and the quiet companionship of nature.

Yet this year, Elliot’s health had been declining rapidly, and Vincent knew that their time together was limited. Determined to make one last trip, Vincent made the arrangements, ensuring that everything was perfect.

“Uncle Elliot, ready for our trip?” Vincent asked with a tentative smile, trying to hide his worry. The morning was still dark since Vincent had made sure to pick a time when his Uncle felt refreshed and more energetic. 

Elliot, frail but enthusiastic, nodded as he walked, cane in hand, towards their car. “Of course, Vincent. Let’s go catch some big ones.” They drove to the lake in comfortable silence, the familiar sight bringing a sense of peace and nostalgia.

When they arrived, Vincent gently held his uncle’s arm as they crossed the pebbled shore towards the boat, knowing that his cane was not suited for this surface. After Elliot settled into the boat, Vincent smoothed a blanket over his lap and picked up the oars. 

As the boat glided through the lake, Elliot looked out over the water and mused, “Remember your first big catch, Vincent?”

Vincent laughed. “How could I forget? I was eight, and you were so proud you nearly fell out of the boat trying to help me.”

Elliot chuckled. “That was a good day. You fought that fish like a champ.”

Vincent gazed at his uncle, the steadfast figure who had been a pillar in his life. “You taught me everything I know about fishing, Uncle Elliot. I wouldn’t be who I am today without you.”

Elliot smiled, a bit of sadness in his eyes. “I’m proud of you, Vincent. You’ve grown into a fine man.”

They spent the day fishing, talking, and reminiscing. Despite Elliot’s weakened state, there was a light in his eyes, a joy that made the day feel timeless. Vincent caught a few fish, but more importantly, he treasured every moment with his uncle.

“Uncle Elliot, what’s your favorite memory of our fishing trips?” Vincent asked as they sat in the boat, the setting sun flashing a glow on the water.

Elliot thought for a moment. “I think it was that time we got caught in the rainstorm. We were soaked, but we just laughed and kept fishing.”

Vincent grinned. “Yeah, and we caught the biggest fish of our lives that day.”

Elliot nodded. “It wasn’t about the fish, though. It was about being together, no matter what.”

As the sun dipped below the horizon, Elliot looked at Vincent. “Promise me something, Vincent.”

“Anything, Uncle Elliot.”

“Keep fishing. Even when I’m not here. It’s a good way to remember these times.”

Vincent felt tears welling up. “I promise.”

That night, after returning home, Vincent received the call he had been dreading; Elliot had passed away peacefully in his sleep. Heartbroken, Vincent went to see his uncle one last time. In Elliot’s room, he noticed a photo by the bedside—a picture of young Vincent, holding his first big catch, with Elliot beaming beside him.

Tears welled up in Vincent’s eyes. He knew that their last fishing trip had brought Elliot a final, precious moment of happiness. It was a joyful ache, knowing that his uncle had died with a heart full of cherished memories.

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A Day of Pampering

Jessica and Martha’s Story

When Jessica’s great-aunt Martha turned ninety, the family knew it would likely be her last birthday. Jessica’s mother suggested, “Why don’t we pamper her with a spa day? A perm, a new deep blue outfit, and some nice photos. She’d love that.”

Jessica agreed and began searching for salons. “Do you know any that do perms and can handle someone in Aunt Martha’s condition?” she asked her mom.

“Isn’t that standard?” her mom replied, a bit unsure.

After numerous calls, Jessica found a salon that suggested PS LifeStyle at Brookdale senior living community. “They have the right facilities and staff,” the salon owner recommended.

Jessica called PS LifeStyle and explained the situation. “We’ll make it happen,” the manager said. “We’ll stay open late and can also do haircuts and manicures for everyone.”

Jessica took Aunt Martha and her mom to the salon. The staff was incredibly accommodating, making Aunt Martha feel like royalty. As they left, the staff’s warm hugs added a special touch.

Seeing Aunt Martha and her mom complimenting each other, “You look stunning, just like mom,” filled Jessica’s heart. Their last sisterly banter about who looked better was precious.

Jessica’s mom later said, “The photos from that day are what I’ll hold onto.”

Aunt Martha’s makeover went beyond the physical. The joy in her eyes, the happiness in her smile—it was a beautiful memory created in the midst of saying goodbye.

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