Memory Care Facilities

Memory Care Facilities

Mariya – Lisa’s Aunt

Memory care facilities offer daily services including housekeeping, nursing care, dining services, wellness activities, limited transportation, personal care, medication management, added lock-down and security.

As we waited for someone to open the main door into the memory care facility. Lisa’s mom bursting into tears said, “Now this fortress is going to keep me and my sister apart.” She broke into a hysterical bout of crying. All Lisa could do was hold her mom tight and share in her pain. 

Lisa turned to look at a kind nurse, when the nurse said, “Hello my friends!”

“So sorry, this is hard for my mom, her sister just moved today into memory care and my mom into the Active Living community on your property,” Lisa explained.

“I know! Welcome Aliya and Lisa! I am going to give you a tour, answer all your questions and make you feel comfortable about how we are going to take care of Mariya” She was looking at both of them with utmost compassion.

Then she looked at her mom and said “You know you can spend as much or as little time with your sister. You just have a lot of extra sets of hands and appropriate tools to keep your sister happy. This is not a jail for your sister.” 

When she opened the door, Aliya took a deep breath and smiled. It was as if they had entered a town of the past. There was a garden with a water fountain and flowers, a large towering pine tree and plenty of benches. To the right was a bar, a restaurant and mini golf. To the right was a dentist office, doctor’s office, hair salon and a retail shop.

Lisa said looking up at the extremely high ceiling that had lots of sky light “Where are we and what is this?”

The nurse turned into a proud tour guide, “This is a comfortable, safe, and enjoyable environment designed especially for memory care patients, to feel happy, comfortable, confident, and independent. We are in a large warehouse type space. As you can see there are lots of caregivers around watching our members. We call them member helpers. Our members feel happier if they are not called patients.”

“We just opened a few weeks ago, so there are not many members yet, and the founding member prices are low. So Mariya joined us at a perfect time.” added the Nurse.

Lisa’s mom burst into tears again, but this time they were happy tears. Lisa spoke for both “I was expecting a sterile environment with sad looking patients sitting in wheelchairs, with blank stares. That was our one and only experience with memory care facilities when my mom took me caroling one Christmas when I was a girl scout. How things have changed.”

The nurse responded with pride, “This is the first facility of this kind. We hope to open more of them and inspire other memory care facilities to make the necessary changes.”

“This memory care was designed based on the learnings from TOWN SQUARE Glenner Centers’ adult day center located in Chula Vista; CA. Town Square was the first Reminiscence Therapy Day Center for individuals with dementia in the US. They bring participants back to a time where their memories are the strongest. Reminiscence Therapy has been shown to reduce agitation, improve mood and improve sleep quality.”

“Also, these members are watching curated content that we have discovered through interviewing them and their family. Taking them to a park or city center of their choice with the Virtual Reality Goggles they are wearing”, she said pointing towards a big room with comfortable seating labeled memory theater. 

We finally walked over to rows of rooms, each with uniquely painted walls and whimsical doors. We knocked on the door and Aunt Mariya in a very happy voice said, “Please come in and visit.” 

The two sisters hugged each other tight, stepping back looking at each other and going for yet another hug. This went on for several minutes. 

Lisa rewrote the story of memory care, after I took her to the Glenner’s Town Square Adult Day care center. She said this story was inspirational, and the reality was just too gut wrenching. In addition, adult day care like Glenner’s Town Square for memory care patients can also increase quality of life for both patients and their caregivers. Someday soon, Virtual Reality (VR) will also play an important role in Dementia care. Companies like Anchor Health, Hospice Care in San Diego is using VR successfully.

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A New Home for Gertrude

Fiona and Gertrude’s Story

Gertrude sat in the living room of her daughter Fiona’s home, feeling increasingly lonely and disconnected. Since her husband passed away, Gertrude struggled with everyday tasks and found it hard to maintain her social life. Fiona, noticing her mom’s decline, suggested a move to a memory care facility.

“Mom, I’ve been researching some places that could provide the care and companionship you need,” Fiona said one evening. “There’s one place, Sunflower Memory Care, that I think you’ll really like.”

Gertrude hesitated. “Are you sure, Fiona? I’m used to my routines and my home.”

“I understand, Mom, but this place has so many activities and caring staff. Let’s at least take a look,” Fiona urged.

The next day, they visited Sunflower Memory Care. As they approached, Gertrude was taken aback by the vibrant garden and the lively atmosphere.

“Welcome! I’m Kelly,” greeted the nurse. “Let me show you around.”

Kelly led them through the facility, showcasing the various amenities. There was a music therapy room where residents were singing along to familiar tunes, and a sensory garden filled with aromatic flowers and herbs designed to stimulate the senses.

“We focus on activities that engage the mind and bring joy to our residents,” Kelly explained. “Music therapy, for instance, can evoke memories and improve mood, and our sensory garden helps residents feel more connected to their environment.”

They then visited the reminiscence therapy area, where residents were sharing stories and looking through memory boxes filled with personal mementos.

“This is wonderful,” Gertrude admitted. “I used to love gardening and music. It feels like a place where I could really belong.”

Fiona smiled. “I think this is the right place for you, Mom.”

Within a week, Gertrude moved into Sunflower Memory Care. She quickly settled into a new routine, joining the music therapy sessions and tending to the garden. The community and structured activities helped her regain a sense of purpose and joy.

One evening, Fiona visited and found her mom happily engaged in a group art class. “How are you, Mom?”

Gertrude’s eyes sparkled. “I haven’t felt this alive in years, Fiona. Thank you for finding this place for me.”

Fiona felt a wave of relief. “I’m so glad you’re happy here, Mom.”

Sunflower Memory Care had given Gertrude a new lease on life, surrounded by friends and activities that enriched her days.

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Finding Joy Again

Zoe and Evelyn’s Story

Finding Joy Again

Evelyn sat quietly in her living room, staring out the window. Since her husband’s passing, her world had become smaller and lonelier. Zoe, her daughter, noticed her mom’s withdrawal and began to worry.

“Mom, I think it might be time to consider moving somewhere that can offer you more support and companionship,” Zoe suggested gently.

Evelyn sighed. “I don’t know, Zoe. I’ve lived here for so long.”

“I found a place called Harmony Hills. It’s a memory care facility with lots of activities and a very caring staff. Can we just take a look?” Zoe asked.

Reluctantly, Evelyn agreed. They visited Harmony Hills the next day, and were greeted by a cheerful nurse named Luca.

“Welcome to Harmony Hills! Let me show you around,” Luca said warmly.

They walked through beautifully decorated halls filled with artwork and photos of the residents. Luca led them to a room where a music therapy session was taking place, with residents playing instruments and singing.

“Music therapy helps evoke positive memories and improve mood,” Luca explained. “We also have art classes, gardening, and intergenerational programs that bring in local school children to interact with our residents.”

Evelyn watched as the residents laughed and sang. “It looks so lively here,” she remarked.

Luca smiled. “We strive to create an environment that feels like home. Our goal is to keep our residents engaged and happy.”

They then visited the sensory room, where calming lights and soothing sounds created a peaceful atmosphere.

“I used to love painting,” Evelyn said, looking at the art supplies.

“You can start painting again here, Mom,” Zoe encouraged.

Evelyn nodded slowly. “I think I’d like that.”

A week later, Evelyn moved into Harmony Hills. She joined the art classes and started painting again. The community’s activities and the supportive staff helped her find joy in her daily life.

One afternoon, Zoe visited and found Evelyn chatting with new friends over a game of cards. “How are you doing, Mom?”

Evelyn smiled brightly. “I’m doing well, Zoe. This place has brought so much happiness back into my life.”

Zoe felt a sense of peace. “I’m so glad, Mom.”

Harmony Hills had given Evelyn a new beginning, filled with activities and friendships that brightened her days.

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